As someone who visits websites with articles often (trust me, I’m an expert), it infuriates me to no end that content is not delivered in an enjoyable format. Instead, you are bombarded with videos, ads, ads, scrolling ads, banner ads, sticky ads, and more ads. This page outlines my content commitment to you, the reader, and my driving philosophy behind the content and this publishing platform.


Every day we are bombarded by advertising from things as simple as a Google search turned targeted marketing campaign based on your search query. The content you view should be free of distractions and should offer you the reading experience you desire. There’s enough shady websites out there, and there is no need to create another.

Subscription Content

Content will be offered with no paywalls. Established content will never be transitioned behind a paywall. The internet was intended to be a place to freely exchange data and that is the driving motivation

Free Content

Currently, content is offered as ‘open to read.’ There’s no commitment to sign up for anything. Additionally, there is no need to purchase a subscription to receive updates or continue the quality of content as a general reader.

Paid content will be significant in nature. Articles, creations, services, or other content that represents a significant investment of time and resources are the target of paid content. Things that are released as free will never be moved behind a paywall. I currently offer no such paid content.

User Experience

I am committed to delivering the best experience possible on this website. If you feel that I have broken my content commitment to you, please reach out to me!